Monday, November 3, 2008

The End of Riding Lessons

Lex had her last riding lesson last week and I can honestly say while I'm sorry to see that she isn't riding I'm not sorry to getting home late every week. She did great and loved riding and she wants to keep going when they start back up in the spring. Its getting too cold now to continue. Since Tyse wasn't feeling photogenic at Halloween I've added a few more pictures of him when he was feeling rather happy. His terrible twos are getting worse but his sweetness is also growing so its a Jekyl and Hyde kind of situation. Lex however is busy with so many school things and wants to keep even busier; she's is quite the social butterfly although thats the main problem at school that we are trying to work on.


Brenda said...

She looks great up there on that horse! What a fun thing to do.

April said...

I can't believe how grown-up she looks on the horse, and yet so tiny. Love the photos of Tyse; Maryn is definitely in the throes of the terrible twos as well, and sometimes she'll cooperate for a photo and sometimes she won't.