Friday, September 12, 2008


I finally got this thing a little figured out - Wohoo! So I thought I'd give a little update on all of us. Alexus loves kindergarten and I love all of the great program her school offers and the small student to teacher ratio. She is learning to swim and ride horses and she love it. Tyse is like Jekyl and Hyde recently. The terrible two's are here and I'm not sure if they are ever going away! He does miss his sister while she is in school but he enjoys daycare and playing while I'm working.

Work. . . The never ending saga. Working at the yards is great but we are heading into fall run and kicked it off with the biggest sale this yards has ever seen - 5154 head of cattle. It was an extremely long day. My photography business is starting to pick with senior pictures and I'm also doing type-setting and graphics work through it as well. Needless to say its a little busy.
Our house is coming along, slowly but surly. While it on site, we still have no power, no drain field for the septic system, and no propane tank. This springtime project has turned into a fall/winter one. We are hoping by Halloween to be in, but I'm not holding my breath. Anyway, I gotta corral some children and head home for the day!


April said...

You have a blog! Hooray! I'm SO excited to keep up with your darling little family. I love my niece and nephew so much. Maryn has been reminding us of Alexus a lot lately. Sounds like you are so busy with work and parenting. Gotta love the terrible twos. We may never be out of them either.

Jill Day said...

such a cute picture can't wait to see more.

Ann said...

I'm glad we can keep up with you now. I hope they get your house done soon. It seems like they are never on time with those kinds of things. Good luck with your whirlwind of life.