Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting Dressed Up

I used to love putting on makeup and wearing nice clothes, but it seemed after kids that kinda went out the window. Between spit-up and 4 am wakeup calls; there seemed little point, but I have realized how important it is to actually take care of myself. Not that its a daily thing, but its good to do all that especially when you aren't feeling particular nice.
(I had some fun with the photo)


April said...

Gorgeous, girl!. I love the new additions to your sidebar. Good luck with your house.

Jill Day said...

yeah I realized how important it is to get ready when I started getting very big. It helps me feel a lot better and not focus so much on my pregnant tummy to do my hair, make-up, and actually wear somethign other than pajamas. It's amazing what a little face paint and a cute shirt will do to your mood.

Ann said...

I agree. When I had Andrew I set a goal to get a shower everyday, no matter what else I had to cut out. (You know how tough it is to get those in with two little ones always under foot.)It sure helps.You look lovely, by the way.