Thursday, November 27, 2008


I don't think I've ever had a busier Thanksgiving than this year. I am finally in my house and so I offered to cook dinner. I ended up feeding about sixteen people and started the day at 5 am after three hours of sleep. (Tyse is getting sick - poor guy.) With cleaning and cooking, I finally got everything done and sat down to eat at about 3. It was a great dinner and we had so much that food that I actually forgot to serve the stuffing! I had it warming in my roaster and kept reminding myself to take it out before I forgot - needless to say - I forgot. The funny thing is - no one noticed until after dinner was done because we had so much food! My refrigerator is now completely stocked for the next month. It was great being with family and being able to visit with them and to realize how many blessings I do have and can be truly grateful for!

(Thats my aunt and I trying to get the turkey on the platter (it was a fresh turkey too so it was really yummy) and in the background you can see the notorious roaster hiding the stuffing lol! and the other picture is of Lex with my niece Keelie.)


Erin said...

I am so glad that you had such a nice Thanksgiving. It's pretty stressful to have it at your own house, huh? I did it here too. It makes you appreciate how much your mom always did. We should spend a holiday together sometime. We are sisters, after all! I miss you so much, lady. Take care!

Ann said...

I'm impressed. That's quite a crowd to host. At least your fridge is stocked up now. Hope Tyse feels better soon.

Jill Day said...

wow Denise...I made Justin cook our turkey. i must say i am impressed that you took on feeding such a crowd. good work.

April said...

Good work, Denise! At least you can have stuffing leftovers for days. I still do and mine was out on the table for all to see. I think I'm the only one in my little family that loves the stuff. It was just us this year--too much of an effort to travel with a nursing baby and newly potty-trained toddler--at least, that's my excuse:) (I just wanted the leftovers all to myself:) )