Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our Thankful Tree...

I got this great idea from my friend Brenda. For FHE, they did a Thankful Tree and wrote what they were grateful for on leaves and made a tree out of it. So I borrowed her idea and did the same thing with Lex and Tyse. It was so cute and funny to see what they came up with. With Thanksgiving being at my house this year, I thought it was a great way for the kids to start to understand what it means to be thankful for things, people, blessings, etc. It was so much fun to spend some good quality time with my kiddos and to see them and their personalities in full. Here are a few pictures.


Brenda said...

Holy Cow!! Your tree turned out GREAT! I looked for more colorful leaves but I could only find yellow, so our tree was a little bland. All our leaves have now shriveled up. Guess I can still be thankful though!

April said...

Hey, what a coincidence! We had this planned for our fhe last night too. Of course, after I saw your leaves, I decided my paper ones wouldn't do, and I tabled this fhe for next week, until I can get some more of those:) It looks like the kiddos had a great time. What a great mother you are, Denise.

Ann said...

Great idea. It's always good to take extra time to be thankful. I know I need to do it more. I can't believe how big Tyse and Alexus are.

Jill Day said...

what kind of things were the kids thankful for?