Saturday, January 16, 2010

2090-2010 Holiday Recap

I thought it would be kinda neat to give a little recap of our events from the past little while. I don't have any pictures up yet for various reasons, but hopefully soon. For Christmas this year, the kids and I had a whirl wind of events. Starting off with my niece's Christmas play followed by Alexus's Christmas play. I love watching the kids sing, it makes it such a great time to feel so much less stressed! Christmas Eve was spent visiting friends in Butte followed by our time to open gifts at my house with many friends and family - no pictures though because my battery was dead :-( The kids were very excited about our family gift - a Wii. On Christmas Santa arrived and after Christmas breakfast, dinner was followed at my brother and sister-in-law's house. The next day, Tyse, my dad and I drove to Utah to visit family there. I was able to get together with one of my best friends that I hadn't seen in over three years so that was really exciting. New Year's Eve was spent driving back home and then playing the Wii. Alexus's seventh birthday followed a short week later. Her dad was in town, which was a great birthday present for her. Now for our individual updates!

Alexus - Turned seven on the 7th - her golden birthday! My little girl is becoming not that little anymore. She is reading like a whiz and is in the accelerated reading program. She also had her first skiing lesson, through her school, and loved it!

Tyse - What to say about my lovable little man! He started Sunbeams and with mom as teacher, lets just say its going to be an adjustment. He is learning his shapes and starting on his alphabet at preschool and is getting too smart for his mother!

Me - Work has been busy, as usual and it is nice to finally be winding down from all the holiday festivities. My mom is going to moving up here in the next little while! I'm really excited for her to be here - its been so long since we have lived near one another. I guess the only other real update is that I am getting married on June 5th to an absolutely amazing man.

I guess that concludes this update for now!


Brenda said...

Loved the update... and more details about this amazing man! Congrats. Hope everything goes great.

Croxall Family said...

Congratulations again!! I loved being able to see you over Christmas. I hope you enjoy your new calling and Tyse will love having you as his teacher.

Jill said...

Congrats Denise. I'm happy for you. I feel so bad I didn't get Alexus's card mailed off...I was remembering the day she was born that whole day

Ann said...

Congratulations. I'm glad you found a good guy. Isn't it amazing how fast our little ones grow. I can't believe Alexus is seven. She's brave for skiing. I'm too scared to do that. I hope she has fun.

Amber said...

Wow, Denise, going back in time? I didn't know you could go from 2090 to 2010. LOL jk jk :)