Sunday, January 18, 2009

Opening Inaugural Celebrations

I'm sitting here watching the Opening inaugural celebrations program and realizing how truly blessed we are to live in this amazing country and to have the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted. I'm watching my son dance to Garth Brooks singing and realizing that I have so much to be thankful for. This is also an amazing moment in history. While I may not be extremely political or democrat, I realize that our country has come a long way in electing an African-American president and having a woman run for the democratic candidacy and for a vice-president, had McCain been elected. We truly are growing and maturing as a nation.

I know there are many terrible and difficult things going on in our nation and they are not to be ignored, but it seems that so much of the focus is more on the negative and its so wonderful to see all of the different people coming together and focusing on some positive things. Perhaps, some good may come and perhaps more people will become involved and take a more active role in our communities and in our country, me included, for I know I fall short in this area.

In the time that I have been watching the program, there has been made reference to the Lord in song and also to spirituality in talks; it gives hope that the Lord will not be completely taken out of every aspect of our country. This is such an important event in our lives and its amazing that we can witness it. I truly am grateful for everything in my life.


Brenda said...

Wow thanks for sharing, I agree, it is important to remember all the good. We do live in a truly blessed nation.

Jill Day said...

i don't have tv so i missed out on the inaugural ceremony, but you've inspired me to look up clips of it on the internet...also thanks again for all the baby's been a big help